Hand Sanitizer

Sanit Hand Sanitizer is a high quality gel hand sanitizer and disinfectant. Because of the high levels of germs and bacteria, which are found on most surfaces, which one comes into daily contact with, it has become necessary to sanitize ones hands regularly during the day. Germs and bacteria are being deposited on toilet and restroom door handles, toilet flusher handles, taps, and paper towel dispensers, including hot air blow dryers which make ideal homes for most germs! Studies have shown that about 50% of toilet users do not even wash their hands before exiting the toilet facility. This means that toilet germs and bacteria are being transferred onto most other public surfaces like restaurant condiments and menu’s, lifts, escalator hand rail belts, credit and petrol cards, money and computers and telephones to name but a few. It must be pointed out that washing hands with soap and water is a cleansing process and not a sanitizing process. Soap and water will clean ones hands by removing common soiling like sand, dust, food and grease or oil. Unfortunately soap and water does not disinfect or sanitize ones hands. While SANiT S.A. still strongly recommends the washing of hands with soap and water we must stress that sanitizing is a practice which must be done regularly throughout the day by using a product like Sanit Hand Sanitizer which will prevent or at the very least limit the spread of germs which transfer the most common ailments, namely diarrhoea, pink eye and influenza.With this in mind it becomes quite clear that toilet germs are easily being transferred from public surfaces onto ones hands. Generally speaking, we need large amounts of these germs to make us ill through infection so if our immune systems are in good shape then our bodies can usually successfully cope with the odd attack, however if one experiences regular bouts of diarrhoea, pink eye or colds and influenza, then it can possibly be attributed to the fact that one is coming into regular contact with these germs!

Sanit Hand Sanitizer is easy to use. Apply 1 drop (250ml bottles) or spray 3 to 4 squirts (50ml bottles) onto ones hands and rub together to spread evenly over the entire surface of the hands ensuring that the gel is also spread over the finger nails and between the fingers. It will evaporate within 20 to 30 seconds leaving ones hands dry and without the sticky residue left behind by some brands of hand sanitizer. Sanit Hand Sanitizer will successfully kill 99.9% of the following 3 major bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus during this process.

Sanit Hand Sanitizer is available in 250ml bottles which are fitted with flip tops. The 50ml version is one of the four SANiT S.A. products which make up the Hygiene Pack and the Campers Pack.